Posted on: Thursday 10th November 2022 by Oncree Digital

Your essential guide on how to get rid of rosacea

Published On: 10th November, 2022 | Category: Advice & Tips

If you’re searching for how to get rid of rosacea, you’re not alone – reports suggest that as many as 1 in 10 people in the UK struggle with this skin condition. But we understand that even though it’s common, it doesn’t take away from the discomfort and confidence-stripping effects you may face.

Understanding rosacea skin condition 

Rosacea causes the skin to redden due to dilated blood vessels, small bumps, and pus-filled spots that resemble acne. It’s triggered by a range of factors and usually starts with a tendency to blush easily. Some people may develop irritation and redness on the eyelids or surface of the eye (rosacea keratitis). Others may experience an overgrowth of oil-secreting glands on the nose, resulting in this area becoming enlarged, bulbous, and red (rhinophyma). 

Here are some quick facts about rosacea according to the British Skin Foundation:

  • It’s most prevalent among lighter-skinned women, although it can affect any skin type and both genders
  • Although it’s more common in women, it’s generally more severe in men
  • There’s no cure for rosacea, but symptoms can be effectively managed
  • It most commonly affects the face area, including the cheeks, forehead, chin, and nose
  • Symptoms usually start appearing in young adulthood

Read more about rosacea skin condition.

Getting to the root of rosacea

While on the search for how to get rid of rosacea, you may be surprised to learn that there is no consensus on the root cause of this skin condition, but there are many triggering factors that result in blood vessels in the skin enlarging. These include consuming alcohol, spicy foods and hot drinks, fluctuations in temperature, exercise, environmental factors, genetics, stress, certain skin care products, sun exposure, and stress. 

Managing rosacea: Understand your triggers

The key to managing rosacea is understanding what triggers your flare-ups. Start by simply journalling what causes symptoms to show up, so you can gain better insight into the unique way your skin functions and learn which triggers to avoid. You’ll soon discover the answer to how to get rid of rosacea depends on your one-of-a-kind skin needs. 

Pro tip: If you experienced a flare-up, minimise symptoms by taking a cool shower or gently cleansing your skin with skincare products formulated for rosacea. 

Managing rosacea: The dos and don’ts

Did you know your everyday skincare routine might be making your rosacea worse? Your daily cleanser, moisturiser, makeup, and sunblock may contain active ingredients that trigger your symptoms. 

This doesn’t mean you should avoid using skincare products altogether, as these are still essential. For example, cleansers and moisturisers create a barrier that helps keep irritants at bay, and sunblock protects you against the number one trigger of rosacea for many people, the sun. 

It’s always best to choose products that are:

  • Oil-free
  • Fragrance-free
  • Hypoallergenic

For moisturises and cleansers, the gentler, the better. Opt for products with soothing ingredients like green tea, niacinamide, liquorice extract, aloe vera, and ceramides, and stay away from strong ingredients like retinoids or salicylic acid. 

For makeup, choose mineral-based pressed powder as opposed to liquid formulas. The latter can clog pores which exacerbates rosacea symptoms. 

When choosing a suitable sunblock, the best and most gentle products are formulated with naturally-occurring minerals like zinc oxide and titanium. And don’t forget to wear a wide-brimmed hat and stay in the shade as much as possible. 

Tailored rosacea treatment plans 

Choosing the best products means understanding your skin better. At Cardiff Cosmetic Clinic, we can help you along the way by first identifying the type of rosacea you have – these are classified into 4 subtypes that may overlap. Once we have this information, the next step is to find out more about your triggers and draw up a bespoke treatment plan unique to your skin.

Best treatments available 

Although there is no cure, rosacea treatments are getting better as technology and research advance. We specialise in only the best treatments for rosacea, clinically proven to reduce inflammation and calm redness and irritation. Our range of tailored treatments include: 

Dermalux, Lumecca, and NeoGen PSR use cutting-edge therapeutic light therapy to eliminate red pigment in the skin and reduce the size of enlarged blood vessels. Chemical peels are packed with active ingredients that deeply exfoliate the skin and stimulate cell renewal to ease redness and irritation. Our treatments can be used alone or in combination for the ultimate deep skin repair, rejuvenation, and regeneration. Read more about each treatment in the treatments section of the website.

Now is the time to soothe your rosacea by setting up a zero fee consultation with our reputable Aesthetics Doctor, Dr. Raj, on 07973 232444.