Our cosmetic mole removal services will leave your skin clearer, smoother and healthier

Published On: 6th April, 2022 | Category: Advice & Tips

If you have a mole, skin tag or wart that you feel self-conscious about for cosmetic or convenience reasons (e.g. perhaps you regularly cut it while you’re shaving), we can remove these for you using the method that we feel will yield the most superior cosmetic results. This is a simple and safe procedure when performed by an experienced doctor.

At Cardiff Cosmetic Clinic, moles are only removed for cosmetic reasons. Should a lesion be in any way worrying you, please book an appointment with your GP in the first instance. Worrying signs include sudden growth or change in a pre-existing lesion, a lesion which is asymmetrical, larger than 5mm diameter, with irregular borders and abnormally pigmented (i.e. two or more colours to it). Other signs, such as bleeding and itching, are suspicious too. If we feel that a lesion looks suspicious, it will not be removed and you will be referred to the appropriate specialist.

The benefits of Mole Removal & Mole Checking in Cardiff

Many people are self-conscious about the moles they have on their face and body. By choosing Cardiff Cosmetic Clinic to remove a mole, skin tag or wart, you can be sure you’re receiving treatment from qualified medical experts who achieve exceptional cosmetic results. 

Our removal procedure boasts the latest medical technology to ensure its quick, effective and relatively pain-free. Introducing the incredible Plexr, a hand-held device that gently and non-surgically removes moles, skin tags and warts without causing scarring, bleeding or pigmentation. It’s so powerful, it eradicates lesions in a single session without downtime, ensuring a stress-free solution to a problem that may have bothered you for years!

Plexr Mole Removal & Mole Checking in Cardiff

On the day, Dr. Raj, Cardiff Cosmetic Clinic’s founder and qualified medical doctor, will begin the procedure by administering a small amount of local anaesthetic to numb the treatment area. He will then use Plexr to delicately remove the mole, skin tag or wart without any damage to the surrounding skin. Treatment takes around 15 minutes to complete, but the exact time will depend on the depth of the lesion and the desired cosmetic outcome. After the lesion is removed, you can continue your day as normal. It’s that simple!

Possible side-effects are rare, but immediate side-effects include mild pain when the local anaesthetic wears off (usually in two to three hours). Over the next few days, you can expect the treatment area to scab over as the skin heals. After the procedure, Cardiff Cosmetic Clinic always keeps in touch with your recovery process. With every booking, a follow-up is included to ensure the skin is healing as expected. If the lesion comes back, we strongly recommend it’s examined histologically. In this case, we will send off the sample to the laboratory on your behalf and you will then be invoiced separately by the lab for this cost.

The results you can achieve

At Cardiff Cosmetic Clinic, we have built a stellar reputation across Wales for our high-quality aesthetic treatments that achieve phenomenal results and leave people loving their skin from the inside out. We feel incredibly fulfilled when people light up after seeing the end result of our procedures. They usually breathe a sigh of relief, knowing they no longer have to battle skin issues that plagued them for years. This is especially evident when we remove moles, skin tags or warts. Here are some examples of how we helped our clients and the results speak for themselves!



If you’re struggling with moles, skin tags or warts, Cardiff Cosmetic Clinic has your back, front, side or anywhere else that’s affected! All you have to do is book zero-fee consultation with the reputable Dr. Raj or the clinic’s leading Aesthetics Therapist, Karen, on 07516 997053.